Strategic Platform
We provide high quality meat products and the services of slaughter and deboning of livestock

SINCE 1978
To provide the services of slaughter, deboning of livestock and supply of high quality meat products in a cost-effective and efficient manner, committed to the socioeconomic and environmental development of the region, guaranteeing compliance with legal requirements and the quality of life of our consumers.
To be a company which is recognised nationally and internationally in the meat sector for the quality of our services and products, technology, installed capacity, financial soundness and the expertise of our human resources.

Quality, Loyalty and Perseverance is what defines us as a company
At FRIGORÍFICO DEL SINU, FRIGOSINU SA, we offer high-quality and safe meat products and services, satisfying the needs of our customers in a timely manner, in compliance with legal, occupational, quality and environmental requirements, identifying hazards, evaluating, assessing and controlling risks to guarantee the safety and health of our workers, regardless of their relationship with us, as well as contractors and subcontractors, in all the operations of the Company.
Committed to the implementation and continuous improvement of our management systems, in the search for tools and technologies that achieve a sustainable development of the organisation and the expertise of our staff.
All the plant workers, workers on assignment, contractors and subcontractors, will have the responsibility to comply with safety rules and procedures, in order to carry out their work in a safe and productive manner. They will also be responsible for notifying in a timely manner all those circumstances that may generate consequences and risk for people and the organisation.
- Increase the market share of our services and products, achieve greater use of our installed capacity and increase the profit margin.
- Implement mechanisms to optimise resources to reduce production costs and improve current technologies.
- Strengthen our training programme in order to update and train our employees in a way that contributes to their personal development and at the same time to the growth of the company.
- Decrease complaints and claims associated with the characteristics of the product and service.
- Maintain our management system, related to the quality and safety of our products, the safety and health of our employees, the security of information, in order to identify opportunities that guarantee continuous improvement in all of our processes.
- Protect the environment by constantly pursuing the correct handling of all waste, through the implementation of technologies and processes that allow us to decrease our consumption of natural resources and other inputs.
- Improve delivery times targeting customer satisfaction.
- Maintain the standards of transport verification in order to guarantee the consistency of the product and the services requested.

- Loyalty: We are faithful to our customers, suppliers, managers and colleagues, exercising loyalty to the company to which we belong.
- Sense of belonging and pride: We are proud to belong to a solid organisation, which shares a culture with common principles and values.
- Punctuality and compliance: We respect the time of others and the commitments made; therefore we are timely and comply with the schedule established with both internal and external customers.
- Perseverance: We strive with resolve, discipline and determination for the achievement of our goals.
- Respect: We show respect for our surroundings and the environment, as well as for our customers, employees, suppliers and other people with whom we interact.
- Honesty and transparency in the management of resources: We carry out proper management and application of the human, physical, technological and financial resources of FRIGOSINÚ SA, administering them correctly (fair, reasonable and timely) and transparently as regards the shareholders.
- Value Creation: We are a private company, and as such, we have an obligation to create value for customers, staff and shareholders.
- Excellence in products and services: We are innovative and productive, we work as a team and take advantage of opportunities to maximise results.
- Professionalism: The community trusts us because we are responsible in the conducting of our business and because we have an excellent staff and technological infrastructure. We assume our commitments with dedication and integrity, respecting the established laws and regulations.
- Sustainability: We carry out our business ensuring the economic growth of the organisation in compliance with all legal regulations and the protection of the environment.